A pastor friend of mine posted on Facebook this week about his pilgrimage to bless and pray over unnamed gravesites of illegal immigrants who died crossing the border.
I live in a very comfortable reality.
There's even a cliche name for most of the problems I face:
First world problems
But every day around the world
people die
due to oppression,
lack of clean water,
preventable diseases,
and violence.
The world is a very broken place.
It hurts my soul to think of how many young children die when I look at the healthy happy faces of my own boys.
A lot of Christian songs talk about Jesus dying for me and for my sins. And while I think that's a reasonable thing to think about, I feel like it trivializes a little bit the magnitude of what Christ was accomplishing on the cross.
Christ was broken
for the Brokenness of the world.
He carried the violence and oppression that is still out there.
He carried the weight of human cruelty and of all the historically terrible things we have done across the ages.
I am part of that by what I do and what I don't do.
I wish so much that his cry of passion from the cross:
It is finished!
was a declaration that ended all the terrible things in our world.
But they weren't. Some could interpret the statement it is finished as a recognition of defeat.
That the darkness won and that God died.
Did we kill God?
I think the story doesn't end at Good Friday. It was finished, but the story ain't over.
I think that God didn't want to give us the easy way out. That God wanted us to learn the way of love.
I'm not exactly sure how God intends to finish the story. But I do think we were written in as part of it.
It didn't finish with the cross. It didn't even finish on Easter morning with an empty tomb. There was a band of scared disciples locked up in a room afraid of their world, violence, oppression and without a leader. The story continued with them, and it continues with us ...