Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Day 22: Breaking bad news

Telling the truth is hard...

"How much do you weigh?"
"What do you think of my new hair cut?"

Some professions demand personal courage when it comes to speaking truth... pastors, lawyers,  doctors, police,  regulators.

"How long am I going to live, Doc?"

Having courage to not only speak truth but to be present in that truth with tenderness and resolve is fruit if a character long built with years of discipline and a wrestling with the human condition.

The other day I watched a documentary with my kids about the Voyager space probes. There was a section about the Challenger accident and a clip where Reagan addressed the nation.

".. The future belongs to the brave..."

Today I found myself in the place of needing to clarify circumstances for someone. Compared to the gravity of news shared everyday by doctors, military, police, etc.,  it was light. But still,  I needed to reach in for courage to speak truth and wear humanity in that truth.

Jesus often struck this hard balance perfectly offering the bluntest truth with sincerest grace.

It's not easy. I'd prefer to ignore the scale,  and tell everyone it's going to be ok. But life doesn't always go my way.  I need to lose some weight and people need someone to journey with in the dark hours of life.

Lean into love.
Love makes it not only possible but beautiful.
Love transforms.
Love drives out fear.

I'm not sure if I used all the right words,  but I carried a candle in one hand and love in the other...

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