Sunday, March 31, 2019

Day 26: sermon writing part II

I sat in church today taking notes to prepare for next week when I lead worship.  Every church does things a little different and I paid attention to the little things that the pastor said that weren't written down in the bulletin.

The kids squirmed around and I wondered how they will react to seeing me up front. Wondering if a small person will attach themselves to my leg and how I should best respond. 

I think I'll bring an ergo just in case...

I spent the rest of the day reflecting on stories to tell and words that stand out from the day's readings.

All in...

There have been a number of times when I've put all my chips on the table...

Moving to Haiti
Getting married
Starting a startup
Becoming a mother
Philip's autism diagnosis

The decision in each of these cases was easy. Much easier than trying to decide my bet in a poker game.  In life,  I didn't see any alternative.  Go all in.

Something about encountering God made faith an easy all-in decision.

For Abraham.
For Moses.
For Mary.
For Paul.

Some combination of love, faith and hope propelled them to action. To leave behind one life and take on a new one.

The call was clear.
The decision convicting.
The path forward however was not.

Lent grows hard as we stare down the cross. God's path isn't always easy.

But the Spirit travels
before us,
with us
and within us.

And with each sunset,
we rest in God's rich promises.

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