Saturday, March 16, 2019

Day 11: The spiritual need to work

Today was a project Saturday.

The first nice weather weekend and we cruised around the house Friday night seizing up a list of priority to do items that have been piling up for a break in the weather.

I had also wanted to take the kids for a hike and just enjoy the weather unbridled by thoughts of productivity.

But Andrew woke up this morning and said,  "mom,  we're gardening." It was funny because he got impatient that we were burning daylight as I got the other kids ready.

First trip to Lowe's and home by 9:30am we were on a mission.

Three adults in the house each tackling a project of passion.  My dad building is a wooden bench for the table as we've run out of seats now that miles uses a chair.  Ulrich fixing the garbage disposal and polishing DVDs. And I hung out front with kids and pulled weeds all day while they built themselves a bug habitat occasionally stopping to help me plant a new flower.

The day was leisurely but effortful.
Work but relaxing.
Tiring and satisfying.

Made in God's image,  we are creative beings. And in the creative work of my hands,  I find myself in silent communion with God.  My thoughts slow down or sometimes I stop thinking as I focus on the work. I breathe in a meditation and breathe out a satisfaction in being part of the creative, beautiful force that has shaped the world into what it is.

Following a good work. 
I find true sabbath.
A rest for my soul.

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