Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Day 21: sermon writing

A few months ago my pastor asked if I would lead worship in his absence on April 7th.

I said yes.

I'm both excited and terrified.

About 10 years ago I got a taste of what is like to be a pastor when I took on a lay ministry position at my church. I led an alternative worship service and for all practical purposes served as a jr pastor in most ways.

With those experiences,  I deeply searched my heart to sipher whether I felt a call to ordained ministry. 

The church I grew up in did not have our allow women pastors so I had never considered the possiblity growing up.  I had always had a deep passion for faith and still to this day haven't settled on whether my call is inside or outside ordained ministry... or maybe somewhere in between.

At any rate,  the service in April 7th will be my first time serving in the formal role of worship leader in a traditional sunday morning worship service. And today I jotted down my first notes for the sermon.

The lectionary text gives me a lot to work with.  And at a first read I am impressed with the question...  what would you give up to follow God?

So, i have to start with myself.... what would I give up to follow God?
Is God asking me to give up anything?
What does it mean to follow God and where are we going?

Since I need to give answers to a full Sunday morning congregation,  I'll be thinking a lot about these questions this week....

To be continued...

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