Friday, March 22, 2019

Day 17: lost

Today I was finishing up some major projects and reviewing my task list. I feel a little lost.  Usually,  that feeling prompts me to grab a notebook and zoom out and think about my goals in the larger scheme of life.  Where am I headed? What is important right now?

As is the case on a rainy Friday afternoon when all i wanted to do was go workout and binge watch Netflix,  I  didn't make a ton of progress on "what next..." so a lost,  aimless feeling settled in to the background while I shuttled kids, ran errands and made dinner.

It's easy to get lost.

Conversation takes a turn that I don't quite get.

Take a wrong turn on the way to the airport.

Receive tragic news of the passing of a loved one.

Being lost is a sense of not being able to make sense of one's situation and not knowing how to react.

There are times, like today,  when I am a little lost.  In a moment not sure of what to do.  There are times when I am big lost. When life has shifted and I find myself unable to comprehend or respond.

I was thinking about the words of Amazing Grace today.

I once was lost but now am found.

To be found.
There is a security in being found. 
No longer alone.
And the one who finds us can guide us out of being lost.

Faith can find us when we are lost.

When I can make sense of my world. Faith can find find me and guide me.
When I don't know how to respond or what to do next.
Faith can find me and guide me.

In my big moments of feeling lost and
In the every day small things that set me out of sync and make me feel just a little lost.

And sometimes,  when I can't yet wrap my head around life, when I don't have clarity about my next step, faith can simply let me know I'm found.

I'm not alone. And I can rest with an unresolved heart tonight,  faith will lead me into tomorrow.

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