Monday, April 8, 2019

Day 34: Not feeling it

Emotions are funny.

They feel like the are going to last forever...

This morning I went for a run.  The world was green.  New.  Beautiful.  I was inspired.  This is going to be an awesome day.

I went to work and several meetings later I felt disoriented and a bit down hearted.  Uggg this day is such a Monday.

I came home and lost myself in reading with the kids.  We read for like 2 hours.  The book was a complete fantasy.  I felt like I could ask a wish of my fairy god mother by the time I put it down.

I pulled out my phone to write this blog and as I reflected on the day, I  was intrigued by how drastically my mood shifted over the course of the day.  Even more,  I remember feeling,  in the moment,  that the emotions were powerful and unchangeable.

Yet, so quickly,  they changed.

Maturity is rolling with the emotions that seem so large and unchangeable and standing ground despite if them.

Faith tells me to keep going, keep loving,  keep hoping,  even when I don't want to.

Grace is accepting my imperfections today,  knowing I can be better. 

Humility is checking my ego today,  cause tomorrow I'll F it up.

Emotions can stir and move in us.
They are powerful indeed. 

But emotions don't tell me the whole story. God walks with me.  Even when I'm not feeling it.

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