Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Day 7: Being who you are made to be

I think for most of us,  life is a journey of discovering who we are and what we were made to do in the world. 

My brother found his path in high school. He wanted to help people live better through the vocation of physical therapy.  He studied it.  He worked hard.  He is damn good at it. 

Some people are called. Some are passionate.  Some are uniquely skilled. Watching people discover their path is one of my favorite pastimes. The part of us made in the image of God - creative,  life - giving. To find our call is to find our best opportunity to reflect God into the world.

I've always wrestled deeply with this. Unlike my brother, I am a bit of an odd duck. Fueled by an intense passion to make the world better,  I've traveled many roads. A jack knife of sorts,  I have a lot of skills but none stand out as particularly stronger than the others. Sometimes along my way my call is strong. I know who I am and what I am meant to be in that moment.  Other times, it feels weaker.  I lose my place. I get out of sync with life and I need to step back and pray.

Softening my heart, I seek to allow myself be molded back into the creation I was made to be.  If I get my will out of the way enough,  perhaps God will work in and through me to shine light into the world.


MikeG said...

Ever wonder what it would be like to be on a path for an entire life only to find out in the end it was the wrong one? Become the embodiment of the Divine in every way, yet miss the calling? There is no such thing.

When I think about a path, I think about the journey to becoming the soul God intended. It's a trail up a mountain. No way can I go straight up. Instead, I follow the path as it wraps --often confounding-- around the mountain, moving sideways, up, down, never truly revealing my ascension. Yet I trust the path. I trust it because I choose to. It's faith.

When I think about a calling, I think about the section of the mountain I'm climbing. Being a husband, being a dad, helping others, making profit, picking up a piece of trash. It still requires faith to move forward. Trust still leads onward to the next section of the mountain.

As long as I'm facing the right direction and moving forward, I'll get there.

Anonymous said...

Amen brother. Love this.
I totally agree. The call is the journey. Some have stronger sense of vocation, like my brother, but the journey is there every day to become...

We are all always becoming...
