Sunday, March 12, 2017

Day 12: Lent is hard

I've officially reached the point in this Lenten journey where it gets hard.  Nearly every year I reach this point. 

I get irritated by what ever I gave up, feeling like it was silly to give that thing up.  I feel tired and confused.  I don't see God around here,  why am I going to all this trouble?

Spiritual disciplines are hard.  They require patience, humility, and perseverance. The change God works in us is like a butterfly in a cacoon. Profound but on the surface it can look like nothing is happening.  Day by day, little by little or souls are carved by persistence in our disciplines.

 Like in years past,  I don't feel like anything is happening.  I would rather ignore this commitment to create space for God in my life.  It is all so inconvenient.... But I know God has been drawing near.  Shaping me and my path. I can see small traces of new life growing in and around me.

Onward.  Though the path be uncertain or difficult. I'm not walking it alone. Nether are you. 

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