The practice of mediation is to create quiet space to focus your mind and let go other worries.
Being sick is a form of mandatory meditation. Typically, when I feel really sick my mind hyper focuses on the symptoms. The fever. The sore throat. The upset stomach. As I settle into bed and begin to rest, the magnitude of my headache starts to go down. When I stand up, it comes back strong.
It dawned on me that my ability to focus on my body and my breath is much higher when I am sick due to this natural interest in monitoring my symptoms? I wondered then, if it were an ideal opportunity to pray.
Prayer is meditation where the focus is on God, rather than self. Could I take my meditative focus and lift it from myself to heaven. There was a deep quiet, the rest of my mind was already clear. To turn to prayer in a meditative state was to approach God without a laundry list of concerns. It was simply to search the quiet for God the way you search your body for symptoms when you are sick.
I have not much prayed like this before. Often my prayers revolve around words and thoughts. A conversation with God, rather than a still silent moment to focus beyond myself to the mystery of the divine.
Peace be with you.
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