Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Day 26: Slowing down...

I woke up...
My back hurt.
I was entirely nauseous.
I wanted to sleep all day.

I slowly rolled out of bed.
I slowly inched into my day.
Everything happened in slow motion.
Kids got dressed and started school work.
There were lots of snuggles on the couch with Miles while bigger kids got going.
I cleaned up slowly.

As much as I've put the whole thought of having a baby on the back burner. My body decided to remind me furiously that in fact -- I am still growing a human and sometimes I need to sit down and just --- be.

I can't tell if the boys could sense my need for a calmer day or if they needed it themselves. Or maybe it was the weather. But they seemed to move slower too. They still did their work. They just seemed to flow peacefully from one thing to another. Taking time in between to piddle with legos or read a book on the couch. It was calm.

I think God was responding to my frantic plea of not being able to do it --- then, go slow... and rest. There is no train to catch. There is no where to be. Just love on these littles and take it one day at a time.

Grace is the single set of footprints.
Today happened, like all the other days, but I'm certain I didn't do all the walking.

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