Saturday, March 21, 2020

Day 22: A little patience


Things slowly starting to click into a rhythm.

Monday morning, my husband's daily meeting was a disaster.
People could get home technology to work.
People had a hard time figuring out how to to take turns speaking with a big group on the line.
He was a bit at a loss.

"Give it time." I said. "If it's a disaster still by the end of the week, then consider changing. Right now, people need a little consistency and figuring these things out takes a few practice runs.

on the other side of the house...
homeschool had it's own kinks.

Different ages, different needs. Changing expectations.
Every day I did something a little different.
A lot of it was good but a lot of it was hard.

Listening to my own words to my husband -- I repeated them to myself.

"Give it until, April. If it's still exhausting, write notes to the teachers and tell them this isn't going to work. We all need to lean into together right now."

On Friday, the kids caught up on school work. Things started clicking into place. I got a clearer sense of what I needed for each kid and I ended the day feeling like another week of working at it and we will find a groove.

Patience is hard.
Especially in the face of uncertainty.
We want so hard to make order.
To set a plan and for that plan to work and sometimes we just have to muddle through.

The middle of Lent is always hard.
Disciplines seem not to make sense. The world feels backwards and upside down.
It's never been truer. It's almost surreal how strange life feels right now.
Sitting in this off-kilter, uneresolved chord is almost painful.
This is the wilderness.

Jesus sat in the wilderness 40 days with no food. Completely alone.
It must have felt pointless. Raising the dead. Feeding the 5,000. That's the work of a savior.
Sitting alone, hungry in the desert playing mind games with the devil.
Really? This is God's work?!?

In the unresolved
In the uncertain.
In the painful discordance of life.
In the isolation.
The Spirit moves.
Our souls are carved.
Our journeys are traveled.

Lent doesn't go on forever. The wilderness is a time.
Spring has started. Easter is coming. One day this virus will pass.
For today. Patience. Living through.

The Spirit moves with us and in us right in the wildernesses we've each been dwelling in.
May you be strengthened in your journey.

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