Saturday, March 16, 2024

Day 32: Putting it all out there


Writing this blog,  then posting it on social media as public is am act of deep vulnerability. To honestly write a devotion for each day that connects with how I experienced God that day inevitability requires some level of openness about deeply personal things - my health,  satisfaction at work,  my failures at motherhood, and other such things.  

What makes this so vulnerable is realizing that people i barely know occasionally read this blog. Clients from work,  moms from my kids school,  people at church,  people who went to grad school with me.  

If i knew whose eyes were reading it,  i would write for my audience.  But this blog doesn't have an "audience." Every year, i find it is a different group of people who journey these 40 days with me.  A few close friends,  my mom... i know that they read it from time to time.  But beyond that, it could be any random person that i see regularly.  

Occasionally someone will come up and comment something from the blog and catch me a little off guard.  Like,  how do you know that I'm fasting or that I  had a lot of laundry yesterday? Oh, right... i wrote about that. 

I recieved a beautiful card from a woman at church who has been reading this year. The messages in notes like these and comments people write are such treasures. They provide a glimpse into someone else's journey. Often,  a someone I hardly know.  To see how my experiences and struggles lines up with someone else is to see the beautiful serendipity that God so often uses to allow us to shine light into each other's lives.  It is a great honor to hear these stories and peek into someone else's journey. 

And that is what we are called to do.  To love each other. To share our stories. To wrestle with big questions. To wrestle God. In doing this together perhaps we will unfold one more petal in the mystery of faith.  Perhaps gain a new perspective and see life and God  and purpose in a way we would have never found on our own. 

So on I walk with my own pile of dirty laundry and broken dishes and beautiful wisdom gained from another day of living.  So very happy to know you are walking with me with your own piles of laundry and beautiful wisdom.  We are humans figuring out this life thing day by day and in this God dwells among us. 

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