Monday, March 19, 2018

Lent Day 33: A grain of wheat

Andrew and i have been working together on a long project to landscape the front yard.  He has a special place in his heart for plants.... and hard work. He has diligently worked to prepare the soil, plant and weed the garden.

Sunday afternoon we worked on weeding.  As I struggled against the giant clumps of grass,  Andrew gathered them up and threw them in the green waste.

Suddenly,  he stopped. 

"Mom, I found a grain of wheat. We need to plant it.  When we do, it will die and sprout up a new plant that will bear much fruit. "

"Did you hear that at church?" I asked, remembering the sermon.


Eddie,  your pumpkin passed away...

But look,  there are pumpkin plants growing. "

In one breathe he summarized the journey of life and faith. 

Spring is but a few breaths away and dead seeds lying still under ground will find life in the warmth of fresh sunshine. All is still and dark.  Death seems to have the last word....

But then,  Easter.

We're almost there.

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