Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Lent Day 20: God is a parent of Columbine

Today, while waiting for a Miles doctor appointment, I was leafing through Facebook and saw a TED talk by a mother whose son was a Columbine shooter.

I had to read the transcript rather than watch the talk,  but I was intrigued. What do you say to the world after living that reality?

Her story was what it is like to live through that...

To wake up one day,  say good bye to your son and then lose him and bear the unimaginable weight of his last day for the rest of your life. She looks at everyone she meets wondering if her son destroyed thier life. Her grief multiplied by the grief of others.

It struck me...God is that parent, bearing the unimaginable weight of the darkness of each of his children. 

The darkness of every genocide, 
every oppressive regime, 
every ism...

God is that parent. Carrying our darkness.  Carrying that grief.

Somehow, the cross was strong enough to bear the weight of that reality.

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