Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Lent Day 27: power in weakness

I've been reading an interesting book by Malcolm Gladwell called David and Goliath which posits that weakness can actually be a material advantage. It's been a thought provoking read.  How do you turn the world on its head and see fantastic disadvantages as opportunities?

Lack of physical ability turned into an advantage in basketball
Small size an advantage in a fight
Dyslexia an advantage for education
Lack of empathy strengthen the ability to provide care

It seems paradoxical... But the bible makes this point a lot.  Most of the people held up as "heroes" in both the old and new testament had significant weaknesses or sordid pasts. Moses, David, Mary, Peter, Paul...they all had issues.  They all followed God anyways.

Jesus holds up traits that might be considered as weaknesses in the beaitudes as blessed. Blessed are the meek, the poor in spirit, and those who mourn. Not a group I would expect to be first in line for a promotion.  

One of the best summaries of the biblical view of weakness is in 2 Corinthians:

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 

Some combination of grace and faith can transform our weaknesses into tools of light.

As I've been pondering this,  I've wondered in what ways could God exploit my weaknesses and use them. I'm not sure, but I think time in the wilderness is a good place to open myself to such a possibility. Maybe there's more that God can do with me beyond my obvious passions, strengths or abilities.  Maybe there is, hidden in my weakness, a space for God to work in and through me.


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