I've spent the last hour scratching my brain about what I would post tonight. The thrust of my day was centered around work. I've pondered spiritual implications of work and vocation. Couldn't think of anything brilliant to write.
I looked up the scriptures and pondered them. John 3:16 is the Gospel lesson. What could I write that isn't cliche?
I sat and watched miles play in the sand. Sunshine. Gratitude. But I've written on that. Life is precious.
Keep thinking...
So many of the lessons that I've already posted on.... humility, patience, perseverance, faith, wilderness, uncertainty, lent. All still in play. Not much has changed. I'm still struggling with faith and the maturing of the soul. I can't claim to have made progress. I can't say I've figured anything new out. It turns in my head, marinating my heart like smoked meat. Hoping the end result is some sort of well seasoned soul.
The middle of lent seems to play out like this. Things get blurry. I feel like life is transforming or God is starting the blow into my life but I have yet to really perceive it. I wrestle deep questions about who I am and how I should orient my life. But there are still far more questions than answers.
Quiet hope. I continue to wait... and listen... with patience. Maybe tomorrow or the next day or next week I'll have a revelation... an inspiration...a call.
But for now. One foot in front of the other. Lent won't last forever. At least there's a picture of a cute baby.
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