Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Lent Day 21: Micro meditations: letting my heart be shaped by faith

The practice of writing this blog pushes me to be more present in my day. Looking for signs of God, lessons in faith, stories of light and darkness, meaning & character. It causes me to have many micro medications.  Flash moments that I reflect on and wonder... should this be the focus on my day's blog?

Here are a few of my micro meditations from today...

1. All work can be done with passion

At 8:15, I dropped Andrew off to school. Every morning as I pull into the school parking lot,  I am impressed by the woman to volunteers to direct traffic.  She uses large sweeping gestures,  almost a dance,  clearly coordinating who should drive and who shouldn't.  I've never seen anyone direct traffic like she does,  but it reduces my stress and inspires me every day.  If this small job can be done this well, then all jobs have the possibility to be done greatly. I must continue to find ways to do my work as elegantly as the school traffic director.  It is a gift.

2. Take a moment to see the person in front of you

It was a busy day in kindergarten.  The teacher was a little stressed because she was on deadline for mid year report card testing. (She's an amazing teacher by the way... does kindergarten like the other lady directs traffic, it's also inspiring to watch her run a class of 26 kindergarteners).

In the midst of her own world though,  she missed an opportunity to be present. One of the kids was called out of class early.  This particular student had trouble with organization and forgot to put things back. The mom waited as she finished gathering school work.  I noticed that she was fighting to keep it together.  I'm guessing something hard had happened.  A tragedy of some sort. The teacher,  however was doing 6 things at moment and didn't look up to see the mom's face. She started commenting on how she needed to help her daughter be more organized. 

My heart hurt watching this.  Knowing the teacher didn't see.  Sensing the overwhelm that the mom was already feeling. Sometimes we look past each other when we are too caught up in our own stories.

3. Love meets people where they are and pushes them to shine

I had several opportunities today to bring out the best in people.  Kids in kindergarten who I was helping to test. Colleagues at work who were preparing new projects for later this spring. Therapists and Nanny who work with my kids. Ulrich. My boys.  I had a focus today of trying to meet them each in their world and offer tools that I thought may help them shine. Some things were little.  Some things were bigger.  But I was really proud watching growth happen... it was like taking my small candle and helping to light or brighten theirs. Many small lights makes the world a brighter place.

4. Life is a string of beautiful events that we need to make space fully take in. It makes gratitude come naturally...

This afternoon the weather was beautiful.  I decided to walk instead of drive to do errands.  I took Philip and miles in the stroller. Sun shone. I listened to music.  I laughed with the kids.

I met Andrew and our Nanny at a salon where Andrew was getting his hair cut.  When he was done,  his eyes widened ads he looked at himself in the mirror.  He made faces.  He liked himself.

We went to the park and miles sat on my lap and we swinged. He snuggled in to me.  My soul melted.  I journeyed through a 1,000 memories that a pinned to my heart of moments like that. Snuggling babies,  being in love,  absorbing the awe of nature. Life is a series of moments to be grateful for. You just have to be present enough to take them in.

Nothing stood out as a particularly strong lead for today's post.  But, the discipline of writing this blog day after day has gifted me with a second pair of eyes with which to view my day. It keeps my spiritual walk at the forefront of my mind and makes me much more pliable to the sculpting of the soul.

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