It is pretty common for our family to spend Saturday or Sunday afternoon ast the beach in alameda. The boys can run, play in the sand, splash in the water. We first started it a regular outing when Andrew was little and in great need of the sensory stimulation it provided. As overworked, exhausted parents, the beach offered a moment of freedom. To let down our guard and let the kids immerse themselves in nature. It has many times been a healing sauve to our collective soul.
We haven't made it to the beach since last summer and were overdo. Andrew has been asking week after week but it's been too cold or rainy. Finally today there was a break in the weather and we made a go of it.
The boys were
They melted into the sand and water. They played hard for 4 hours straight and would have kept going if we let them. It was the definition of childhood... the freedom, innocence and unfettered beauty of play.
My heart welled up as I watched them. Love continues to carve into my soul, making it a deep vessel for joy. I could hardly contain it and it spilled out. And I found, for a brief moment, eyes to see with the heart of God.
God's love is endless. Birthing each of us into the beautiful creation hand made for us to explore and enjoy. Giving us freedom to live as we chose, God watches as we live out our stories. Often with grief, as a parent of a teenager who makes bad choices.
But sometimes, maybe even often, God wells up with deep joy when we embrace the beautiful moments in life... love each other, find nature, discover a talent or passion within us, make art, sing in the shower, take in a sunset or dance in the rain.
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