Sunday, February 18, 2018

Lent Day 4: Give voice to the voiceless

I've been without a voice for actually about a week now.  And I notice how hard it is to actually get people's attention.  If they are not looking at me and are not within arms reach, most of my attempts to get some one to glance at me long enough to recognize that I am attempting communication, fail. Over the week, I have started making fewer attempts to spare myself the ridiculousness of it all.

I reflect on this and realize how much more important it is that we take steps to seek out the voiceless and give them voice. They may have given up even trying to spare themselves the ridiculousness of it all.

The line from scripture that has stuck with me this week has been:

"Repent and believe the good news."

The good news that God is reconciled with man. That an advocate gives voice to all the voiceless and hears their cry.  The good news that the spirit dwells among us,  inspiring and empowering us to be the hands and feet of God in this world.

"A light has come and the darkness shall not overcome it. "

For a time,  I am silent.  But there will be a time for me to speak and it is good news is that in that moment,  I will not walk alone.

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