Sunday, February 18, 2018

Lent Day 3: A mandatory vow of silence

It seems that nearly every lent, I set out with my own spiritual practice to try open my heart and mind to God's quiet voice and I find the path quickly takes unexpected twists and turns.  This year,  it seems literal silence is part of my journey.

Since Ash Wednesday, I've had laryngitis forcing me to silence beyond a few functional whispers. 

It has been interesting to reflect on how I am affected by the inability to speak.  With small children to keep safe,  it makes me nervous as I can't alert them to danger. In the other hand,  I can't yell at them for lolly gagging and find my patience has had to grow.  I've had to rely on my husband to lead more at home.

Oddly,  I think the (forced) practice has quieted my brain. Knowing that I can't really speak,  I spend less time thinking about what I'm going to say.  My mind is more present with fewer thoughts overall.

I've been reflecting on the readings for this week.  Hoping some great insight would fly into my mind or that I would have some great example of living these scriptures... but I haven't.

None the less,  I feel like God is inviting me on some spiritual journey or art least meeting me in the road with new things to teach... might just take a few tries to get it into my thick skull.

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