Monday, February 26, 2018

Lent Day 12: Crocus's in the snow

Growing up in Michigan, February was the hardest month of winter. Scratch that, March was the hardest month of winter.

Days were dark.
The cold, bone chilling.
The monotony, endless.
Gray. The lifeless world darkened the soul.

Then one day, crocus's blooming underneath the snow sent the first ray of hope that spring would someday come.

Like the dove who returned an olive branch to Noah as they awaited land. The crocus brings the first indication that the imprisonment of winter would soon be over.

Yesterday afternoon, the first cracks of my voice started coming back.

Before it is over, Lent will grow quite dark. But, keep watch for pale lavender petals that fight their way through the snow to bear witness to the light that is coming. Like the pillar ahead of Moses and the rainbow for Noah. God's promises manifest in the world around us as a reminder that God travels with us as we go.

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