Today's sermon focused on the gospel lesson. Jesus begins to describe the suffering and death he will face. Peter stands up and says, "Never." Jesus rebukes him with "Those who save thier lives will lose them. Pick up your cross and follow me. "
This is a hard lesson. One that I've been meditating on quite a bit lately.
I often find myself relating to Peter. So excited and passionate about what Jesus is doing and yet skittish when rubber meets the road and following Jesus gets difficult. But, also like Peter with many reminders chipping away at my heart and mind, and I reluctantly let go of my own agenda to embrace a harder road.
Jesus doesn't give up on Peter and seems to smile at his enthusiasm like a mother admiring her toddler who colors up and down the hallways with great vigor. Continually correcting and encouraging. And like a toddler, Peter keeps trying... getting out of the boat to join Jesus on the water. His heart is in the right place, but his vision is short sighted.
My take away is that God has unlimited patience to teach and guide us as we mature in faith. Using the moments when we completely step in it to teach and reshape our hearts.
I may not understand God's ways. I might protest that suffering or self sacrifice shouldn't be part of the journey or complain about injustice that continues to plague our world. I might scream and throw a fit. "It's just not fair, God"
God may rebuke me, or put me in time out until I am calm enough to hear.... And then, when I am ready for it, gently unveil a limited version of the truth that I can grasp my little mind around. One day, I'll get it. Till then, grace.
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