Thursday, March 16, 2023

Day 22: The mess under the refrigerator

There are jobs I never have time to get to.... until somehow it is forced.  Cleaning under the refrigerator is one of them. 

Today it was forced. 

As expected,  a giant collection of toys,  garbage and dirt pilled up under my broom.  I pillaged through the pile gathering up pencils, marbles and matchbox cars. Delighted,  I found missing pieces of games and puzzles.  Treasures.

I spent the rest of the day trying to put the pieces together of what to write tonight.  

Cleaning out dark and forgotten places.
Finding lost treasure.   

Lent is full of these things. 

I think tonight I'll leave it as a meditation. 

Where else do I need to do some cleaning before Lent is over?

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