Palm Sunday is the start of Holy Week. As a child I found it confusing that people could greet Jesus with a royal parade then turn around and hang him on a tree a few days later. Now that I've lived a few years and watched news unfold it's a bit more understandable. Just think of hero's turned villain and vice versa as "more facts are uncovered..."
I'm not a biblical historian but piecing together a number of great sermons (including one from this morning) and bible studies, here's my take on Palm Sunday and the passion that followed.
Jesus lived during a bit of a cultural renaissance for the Jewish people. Various captivities had led to a dark age. But in the years prior to Jesus birth there was a return to the scripture and the law. The temple was rededicated . Israel was on track to return to the era of King David. Except...Rome. Rome was huge.
There would not be freedom for Israel unless God appointed a new Moses. The Messiah who would usher in a long awaited never ending peace.
Jesus was positioned to be the Messiah they long waited for. He performed miracles. He spoke as one who spoke to God. It seemed to be coming together. The Messiah must have come. It was Passover, the celebration of freedom, when Jesus rode into town on a colt. He was The spitting image of the Messiah described in scriptures. Full of hope, people took to the streets. Finally, God has come to set us free.
But Jesus preached a different freedom. Water that you drink where you'll never thirst again. Freedom that transcends the human condition. Beyond oppression, violence, physical or mental ailment. Freedom. This freedom is hard to nail down. What does it even mean? How can you be free if you are sill oppressed? Is it madness? Is Jesus a lunatic?
It struck a strong nerve. This was definitively not the Messiah they had been waiting for. Not the way the story was supposed to end. Confusion turned to fear. Fear turned to anger. Anger turned to hate. Sound familiar? It is the story of humanity. We grasp at things to try to control. To create safety. To make happily ever after. When things don't go to plan we get scared and sometimes we lash out. Every "ism" we see is an echo of this same script.
But.... The freedom is there. Jesus rode on.
Each Palm Sunday I challenge myself to consider what I truly hope for as he rides by. Do I seek freedom created but force or freedom created by love?
As I enter into this holy of weeks, I have to seek to lay down my weapons and re-embrace the way of the cross. Not to create a life around pushing my way to the front of the line but to accept that grace offers freedom even (maybe especially) in moments of weakness and humility.
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