Saturday, March 15, 2014

Day 8: Leaning on Grace

I've been keeping my spirit focused on that verse "my grace is sufficient for you... so that the power of Christ may dwell in you."

Life has been punching me in the face.  Stressful emails continue to line my inbox,  nights are longer than days as bouts of coughing force me to spend more hours awake than asleep and braxton hicks contractions grow more intense and frequent with each passing day.

Most years,  I find myself at this state of brokenness as we near Palm Sunday and the final climb towards the cross,  but this year,  a week in to lent I'm already heavy leaning into grace.What does it even mean to lean on Grace?  How can Christ show strong in these broken moments of life when we are falling apart?  What wisdom does the cross bring?

The moment if finding God in an out-and-out free fall, when there is no plan B, no safety net,  nothing else to catch you is the very moment faith becomes real. Marching up that hill, Jesus had no other plan.  He leaned,  all the way.  He fell,  all the way.  But God was there,  present and faith became tangible on Easter morning.
In this brokenness for me will also come a very real moment when God will show up.  I will recognize it and I will be reminded of what the power of Christ looks like.

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