Thursday, March 27, 2014

Day 19: Help me stay out of your way, Lord

It was eerily quiet on my email today. T-minus 8 days until my big, fat, hairy, important conference and the day at work was almost effortless. Ulrich and I worked out a rhythm to increase both of the time we are able to work by staggering shifts with the kids. When I've come home, I've spent time focused on attending to them and they've maintained a full cup despite not having afternoons with me.

Slowly but surely I am knocking off to-do items and like I said, my in-box is eerily quiet.

I see 100 small miracles. Easily explainable by circumstance. But instead, I choose to know that God is silently filling my cup. Meeting me where I'm at. Taking my offering of trust and showing me what peace that passes understanding looks like and what sufficient grace is.

I don't know if the conference will turn out well. I don't know when the baby will arrive. I don't know how much heartache lay on the road ahead, but I will take today as a gift. God is on the journey with me and so far has been working things out in ways I couldn't have planned. Opportunities, synergies, traction that I was not entirely expecting. Kids falling into a schedule on their own. Helping with the house. All while contractions continue to interfere with my ability to keep myself together.

I throw up my hands and say -- keep doing it God, you are way better at this than I am. Help me to stay out of your way.

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