Thursday, March 27, 2014

Day 17: High stakes

In two weeks I'm helping to put on a giant conference down in LA. The stakes feel high. There are a lot of celebrities coming to the event, a lot of investors, a lot of people and a lot of money on the line ... It feels a bit like planning a wedding but on steroids.

I feel all kinds of pressure to make this thing amazing and with the time drawing close I feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to get it all done.

Additionally, Ulrich's folks left for a 3 week trip to Australia. So, instead of my normal 12 hour Monday, I worked 3 hours today and look out to the rest of the week worried that miracle or not -- there's no way this thing is coming together the way it should.

I think through the possible outcomes -- What if I fall on my face? What if the baby comes early and I don't even make it to LA? What if it's a mess? I found myself in prayer a lot today. I meditated on letting it go. On offering it up. Can God take my loaves and fishes and feed the multiples in LA?

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