He was just sitting there, minding his business. The disciples noticed him and asked Jesus about him -- who in turn decided to heal him. Social ruckus ensued.
Today's sermon was about recognizing the God will transform our lives but not on our terms. Usually, I take this to mean that we have to let go of our plan and recognize hardships as blessings that reform our souls and carve out space for God. But in today's case -- it was a blessing that fell into a man's lap.
He didn't ask to be healed. He didn't beg. He was minding his own business and a blessing fell into his lap that completely changed his life.
I look at all the major blessings that have fallen into my lap -- the ability to go to graduate school, meeting my husband, leading ministry, getting pregnant, Ulrich's crazy invention that led to our start-up. The list goes on. Most of these blessings were not something that I particularly strove for, begged for, worked for. They, for the most part, fell into my lap and threw my life into complete havoc.
Last August, I stood nearly in tears looking at the positive pregnancy test. I wasn't ready to have another baby. And yet, God blessed me -- he grows a new life inside of me -- and as surely as all the blessings that have come before -- I know this new baby will take my life in a direction that is unexpected and beautiful.
Transformation happens as we allow God to work in us by trusting his grace in our hardships and stepping up to the new opportunity and direction that comes with unexpected blessings. I think this is what Jesus is trying to explain to Nicodemus about being born from above.
"The wind blows wherever it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit."
Closing my eyes to feel the wind...