I realized today that I'm tired. Not in a "I need a good night's sleep" kind of way, but rather in a "I need some down time to recover from life" kind of way. Lenten practices combined with a number of major life changes and potential changes and supporting friends through various stresses has left me exhausted. I see the week ahead and I wonder with what strength will I make it through.
It is the exact place I want to be. Spirituality this week isn't going to happen by my own searching, but by God's grace. Achievements this week aren't going to happen by my own strength, but by the Holy Spirit carrying me. And words of love and encouragement that I may share with friends will most definitely not come from my own wisdom but by the fullness of God working in me.
By being completely poured out and unable to take one more step on my own, this Holy Week I ask God to carry me. To reveal the power of the cross and to lean fully into it. To be fully aware of my short-comings, my need for God, every day, perhaps every hour this week and to stand firm knowing that the temple curtain was ripped once for all time releasing God's presence to be with us - always, no matter what. Amen.
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