Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lent Day 14: A million little stresses

I've managed to tackle my to-do list and pull up out of the overwhelm of yesterday. But alas, each day greets us with it's own bag of tricks. Today was one of those days where lots of little unexpecteds - people coming by, errands needing to happen, things getting canceled, etc. Stuff like that. Stuff that, by itself is insignificant, but added to a mix leaves you feeling a little unsettled.

As I reflect this evening, I realize that we don't handle change well. Even small change. If we develop a plan in our mind and then life deviates from the plan it feels uncomfortable, stressful. Some of us handle this by not developing a plan at all, while others try to plan for contingencies. We try to cope either through seizing control or by not engaging the future, accepting whatever may come as the way things are.

For me, walking with God means to walk that line --allowing God to speak in the planning of life and fully releasing that plan back to God with a prayer to have patience and grace to deal with all the unexpecteds. I'm not always good at it. Sometimes, I find the grace to just go with the flow. Let go of my to-do list. Open myself to the opportunity of the day. Sometimes, I don't and change fills me with prickles of stress - draining my battery.

I was reading in my book on prayer today that through prayer, we can be changed. The gifts of the Spirit can fall on us and strengthen us for life's unexpected path. I am encouraged to rest in that this Lent. As I continue to pray, may I be changed, strengthened and renewed -- ready to greet my unexpected future with God's eyes.

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