Monday, March 5, 2012

Lent Day 12: Life is Beautiful

I came home from the weekend exhausted. I woke up early hoping to get home in time to go to church. I arrived home to a zombie of a husband caring for sick 2 year old who kept him up all night.

We spent the day just wishing it was time to go to bed. We were too tired to talk or move. We curled up on the couch with a movie and just at the high point, Eddie threw up all over me. I mean, all over me. We had to laugh because it was so incredibly disgusting there was nothing else to do.

Cleaning up from that I remembered a facebook status that I had posted a few months back -

Life is messy and I don't always live up to the person I aspire to be. But still there is much light in my life. Glad to have so many people (and therefore mess) in my life."

Love is messy. Yet God continually pushes us to learn how to love, how to forgive, how to sacrifice, how to let go of self to make room for the Spirit and for each other. We can't achieve the kind of perfect relationship found in the Trinity. But we can learn from Jesus.

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