Saturday, April 26, 2014

Overwhelmed by gratitude

I feel compelled to continue writing into the Easter this year. This blog has been a source of quiet and reflection in an otherwise hectic life and I have been deeply touched by the practice.

I can't help but be overwhelmed by gratitude. My boys came home Wednesday night. I took Thursday off and did nothing else besides be present to them. Friday. they went to school in the morning and we hung out in the afternoon. I was amazed by how much they've grown in the week they were gone. Andrew was speaking in sentences. Eddie had new maturity. Hanging out at home doing the mundane with them was yet another vacation. A vacation to the sacred space of motherhood that I can't begin to express how grateful I am for.

The even more beautiful part was the ability to share the moments and journey with my mom. I don't have any sisters and we moved around quite a bit when I was little, so my mom is my mom, my sister and my childhood best friend. She is the one woman I've had in my life for the long haul. And sharing motherhood with her -- telling stories, laughing at the kids, solving issues, trying to figure out how to best nurture my boys and preparing the house for new baby peanut butter -- is a joy that I don't know if my soul can express in words.

God intends for our calling to be a source of joy. We may get weary in our work. Overwhelmed by uncertainty. Distracted or discouraged. We are human. That is part of the journey. But pursuing the heart of God's call for us and allowing our perspective to be shaped by the Holy Spirit we can find ourselves overwhelmed by joy and gratitude even on the ordinary days.

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