Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Day 31: My yoke is light...

My mother is a saint.

She came to help with the kids so I could focus on work last week and is staying to support us until after the baby comes. In and of itself, this is a remarkable blessing. But her gift to me extends further. My mother knows me in and out. She knows my boys in and out as well and so, in her coming she has seamlessly created the sense of order and routine that I have been longing to get into place.

I've been a bit overwhelmed by just how much she is propping me up. By how blessed I am by her presence. And when I ask her, is it ok? It feels like too much. She smiles and replies that she's missed us and is glad to be here.

Allowing the people we love to lift us up when we need it is hard. Our human, American selves want to fight back and assert independence. We don't want to put anyone out. We don't want to use anyone up. We want to stand up at the end of the day and say -- I did it, on my own. But in finding the humility to accept the blessings of others, we recognize the work of the Spirit in our lives. We recognize our brokenness and need. We also create space for relationship, love and authentic gratitude.

I feel light and supported by first finding the brokenness to accept that I can't do this on my own. I think this is what Jesus meant when saying -- "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." -- Not that God calls us to easy roads. But rather, by finding the brokenness to accept that we cannot by our own measure be all that God calls us to be, we open ourselves to the Spirit and to the Body to support us in our journey.

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