Friday, April 11, 2014

Day 33: Big Decisions

One stressful part of running a start-up is the number of decisions one has to make in a given day. There is no roadmap. No one telling you which path to choose and you become keenly aware of how limited your sight is.

The problem with all these decisions is -- they matter. At least 2-3 times a week, I have to make a decision that costs 10s of thousands of dollars. I think heavily on my responsibility to the people who work for us and the investors who have placed trust in our ability to pull this off. The parable of the 10 talents assumes that you go out and get a return on the master's money.

There is so much temptation to dig a hole and bury the money in the ground. To back away from the challenge. To say, it's just too much. But, God calls us to be bold in our calls. To have faith that the Spirit is with us helping to guide our minds and our visions.

Many days I feel completely unqualified or uninformed to call the shots. I find strength on my knees.

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