Sunday, April 17, 2022

Day 43: He has risen!

 The boys woke up at the crack of dawn,  just like I thought they would.  It felt like Christmas.  I told them they could play video games until 8. They were wrapped in blankets in a big ball on the couch, everyone holding a tablet.  

I got up and threw the cinnamon rolls in the oven, mixed icing and slowly sipped my sweet sweet caffeine.  The house smelled like a celebration. 

We got dressed and went to church. I realized it has been 3 years since we've been in church on Easter morning. Even longer since we've been there early.

Jesus Christ is risen today. 

I was overwhelmed by the familiar,  powerful anthem that rings in Easter service.  It is my favorite few minutes of the day.  Everything melts away and my heart pours itself fully into the singing. I close my eyes and prayed every word. The alleluias echoed in my heart and for a small moment I too, stood in front of the empty tomb. Awestruck and trembling. 

Today,  the sun shines with a ferocity and the plants in my garden have grown new leaves since yesterday.  Life triumphs. As much as yesterday was a silent, hopeful vigil.  Today rings with promise,  new life and exuberant joy. The water that washed us clean yesterday shows up on our well-nourished faces this morning. The women hurried to the garden to carry on with funeral duties.  They found an empty tomb. "Go and tell. " They had a new mission. From them to the disciples.  From the disciples to the rest of the jews. To the ends of the earth. This moment creates new purpose.  To invite the world into God's new creation and we are to do it by choosing love.  Just as Christ told us 

Let my feet and hands carry this news,  this joy,  this rebirth forward from here.  May I be a vessel of God's ongoing rebirth and transformation of this earth.  

May you as well.  May we together be light bearers, bringing Easter light to all the dark places we find. 


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