Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Day 40: planning the last day of your life


The story starts tomorrow.  We walk with Jesus through the last days of his life.  The last supper,  the garden,  the trial,  the cross, the tomb. We have services Thursday night,  Friday, Saturday and Sunday to tell this story and follow in detail. 

I've thought all day about this well worn series of events that Jesus went through on his way to the cross.  And it struck me.... the last supper.

Jesus knew the story would be set into motion.  He knew the last supper would be his last supper.  

Sometimes we are given the hint that our days will be numbered. A diagnosis.  So much time to live.  Sometimes as people are dying they know when it is getting close. 

If we could choose our last day,  what do we do with it?

When I see the last supper through this lens,  I see Jesus doing many things I might choose to do with my last day.  Have dinner with people I love.  Tell them the things I need to get off my chest. Walk in a garden into the night.  Steal away to pray for strength to face the coming dread.

I'm not sure how Jesus saw the events unfold in his mind.  If he knew exactly what would go down in perfect detail or if he just leaned into God trusting in a plan.  I don't know how the divinity of Jesus interplays with the cross. The theology is heavy here and I'm sure incredibly controversial.  

But all through this story, I see Jesus teaching me how to live and how to die.  Forgiving the thief on the cross next to his,  caring for his mother as he groans in agony,  washing his friends feet before he heads into his own suffering. Jesus offered us his light through to the very last moment. 

I hold that close as I re read familiar stories.  

Jesus, teach me your ways.  May I learn to follow your lead. 

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