Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day 40: Blessed

Today I had the amazing opportunity to view the passion from the eyes of a toddler. In place of Sunday school this morning we had a worship service, where all the kids walked the final steps of Jesus into and through Jerusalem. In order to tell the story at in an age appropriate way, we divided the kids into groups.  I had the honor and the challenge of leading the 5 and under group.

How could I tell them this story? How could they connect with it?

We began the service by waving our palm branches for king Jesus. We pet a newborn lamb. We remembered the good shepherd. We took water bottles and sprayed each other's stinky feet. We got clean for dinner. We shared a special meal, like Jesus did with his disciples. Each of the foods had a special meaning. Jesus tells us that he is always with us when we eat the bread and drink the special grape juice. He shared it with his best friends and he shares it with us.

We went to the garden to pray with our friends. Like Jesus did.
But something was wrong. Bad men came and took Jesus away. They beat him up. Then, they made him carry this heavy cross. They hung him on it. It was hot out. He was thirsty. They left him there. We left him there too.

We are blessed by this story at each retelling. We are blessed by a God that doesn't give up by any measure to reach us. We are blessed to live in a place where we can retell the story freely to our children and not fear the consequences for us or for them. We are blessed by the week that is unfolding. A week of passion, of pain and of suffering. A week of promise, light and Resurrection. Blessed by the cross.

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