I think Eddie's favorite word is happy. He often asks, "Mama, are you happy? I'm soooo happy."
He's entering that awesome, innocent stage that peaks around four years old. He just recently discovered emotions and empathy. It's made parenting so much easier. I don't have to get angry anymore, I can simply say. "Mama will get angry if you do that." He instantly stops what he's doing and says, "Mama, be happy."
Today we had the most amazing weather. I stayed outside with the boys until the very latest hour. Andrew was dropping his bottle off the side of his highchair. Eddie was laughing so hard, he was nearly crying. They played that way until it was completely dark. I sat and watched. I was happy. I was grateful for the kids, the weather, the opportunities I have. Gratitude creates space for happiness.
I was thinking though, how often do I really find myself permeated with joy the way Eddie is. A few times a week? Maybe, at most, once a day? Eddie must spend at least 75% of his waking hours, filled with an intense joy to be alive. Being deeply happy comes naturally to kids. They aren't yet jaded by life. They don't have better things to do or to worry about. They just live in the moment and swallow up the life, the learning and the love around them with big cheezy grins. I think, as adults, we don't allow ourselves to be happy. We are too busy for that. We have to get stuff done and be important and worry about the future and stuff. So, we don't give ourselves permission to be happy.
I am an offender. Getting into the car. Eddie wants to run around and play tag. I hush him up and hurry him along, we have places to be. In the morning, he wants to play cars or cuddle with me on the couch. I'm thinking about the day. I'm worried about being on schedule. Going over my to-do list. I could take a few lessons from Eddie on soaking up the life, the learning and the love around me with a big cheezy grin.
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