Sunday, April 5, 2020

Day 35: and I will give you rest

The rain is soothing on the roof and the window panes.
The kids are on electronic devices.
I am still.

Palm Sunday has come.

Sermon painted God as a great jazz musician improvising and somehow craftfully sowing the seems of our random notes and out of tune chords into a beautiful melody with timing, rhythm and pitch that surrounds our brokenness and makes music.

I breathe in the jazz of life and of a God that works in my brokenness.

I rest and look out the window at the rain and the new seeds poking tiny green shoots up out of the black soil and a garden soaking up the water ready to spring into color.

I cuddle with boys in my big down comforter and I let my breath go.

Today is a day of rest.
I will be thankful for it.

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