Thursday, April 2, 2020

Day 33: Sunshine

There's rain in the forecast, so I tried as hard as I could to keep the boys outside today --

Outdoor chores
Ladybugs that arrived from Amazon
Decorating the front porch with palm branches for Palm Sunday
A walk to pick up a packet from Philip's school
Tending to garden plants

It had been a rough morning, but blue skies, bright sun and warm skin lifted everyone's spirits.

Something deep inside us connects with the earth.
with nature.
with warm weather.
with ocean.
with sky.
with mountains.

There is that unspoken feeling of something bigger.

God with us.

These days are heavy.
But moments to breathe.
Moments to feel connected to the bigger.

Remind me of God present in this time.

As the storm clouds gather
As we walk into the shrouds of Holy Week.
As we walk into the time of "Why have you forsaken me"

May we know hold the promise of the empty tomb ever in front of us.
The promise of tomorrow
The promise of this won't last.

God is present in this time.
God with us.

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