Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 12: Vision

I've always had poor vision. I can remember my first pair of glasses. They changed my world. From some cloudy impressionist painting of blue blended with green, I suddenly saw trees with branches and individual leaves, blades of grass and a sharpness that took my breath away.

When I was 14, I went on my first mission trip overseas to Ghana where I worked for 2 weeks in an eyeglass clinic. In that time I fitted an 80 something year old man with a pair of thick glasses. For those of you who wear glasses, his prescription was -18. He was basically blind. When I put those glasses on him, he hugged me and started to cry. He could see.

But sight doesn't only come from the eyes. We see with our minds. We dream. We imagine. We experience something that doesn't exist anywhere else but within us. Sometimes that vision is so strong that it pushes us to act. To create a change in the world, so that we can see with our eyes and share with others the thing we imagine. Today, I got to do that.

Ever since I gave birth to Eddie, I've dreamed of an opportunity to worship with my kids. A church service where they could run up and bang on the drum. Where I could be authentic and worshipful and they could be themselves and we could experience God together. I want them to grow up seeing the faith in the world that I experience in my spirit. A joyful, exuberant, abundant faith that meets us where we are and journeys with us. Today, we experimented with a family worship service at my church. It's definitely an experiment trying to create an worship experience that speaks to everyone -- toddlers, kids, teenagers, adults. It's a crazy experiment, but amidst the shakers, crayons, and candles I had moments of authentic communion with God and I saw Eddie fully present and engaged in the service. My heart was glad. Vision.

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