Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 7: Approaching life with wonder

One of the best parts of being a mom is watching the wheels turn in those cute little heads as they learn -- how to move their limbs, what gravity is, how to speak, that animals are living creatures. For them, the world is AMAZING every day.

We age. We learn how stuff works. We get jaded that things aren't really magic. There is always a logical explanation -- for sunsets, for rainbows, for good weather, for laughter. There's science behind it. But does science make life any less wonderful? Being married to a scientist who can explain why anything is the way it is has turned me into a kid again, asking why and wanting to learn more.

Lately, our business has been focusing on building fertility tests. I've been studying everything there is to know about how babies are made. I've been looking at sperm under the microscope. And.... I am in wonder. Life itself an amazing mystery -- chemistry somehow works to give rise to life. I look at those little sperm and just try to fathom for a moment that one of those became that baby in the picture.

And if you zoom out. The world is teaming with life. Microscopic life that we can't see. Majestic creatures that we teach our toddlers about. Cycles of life that happen without our knowing or caring in the depths of the oceans, the deserts, the polar caps. And if you zoom out further.... somewhere...

God is.


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