When I saw the word of the day, I thought about how I was already 2 days behind on my posting and the only thought I had was -- how on earth am I going to get that done?
How on earth.... On earth we have a lot of constraints. We have physical constraints - time, space, gravity. We have biological constraints -- strength, energy, mental aptitude. But it seems that we have longings to defy these and reach beyond them. We long to fly, to teleport, to achieve more in a day than is possible, to solve impossible problems. We were created in God's image and so, I think, we have a natural desire to be more like God. To operate outside our earthly constraints.
God became man and took on our earthly existence. He became part of our story and understands our frustrations. Still, he meets us right where we are, in the midst of our limitations and invites us to join him on a spiritual journey where we can be freed from some of our constraints. When walking in step with the Spirit, our earthly constraints are blurred. Those moments when God draws near, we can find ourselves drawn up into the supernatural. Somehow a few loaves and fish feed a crowd of 5,000. The storms of life, the winds and rain, are calmed with a word.
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