Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Running Together

Interesting juxtaposition.

The last few days I've been running with the whole family in tow. All 5 of us.

We look a little like a circus. Two strollers. We take up the whole sidewalk when we run side-by-side. 

During the weekend, we went to a park with long trails next to water. It was a borderline hot day. We ended up at a sandy lakefront and stripped the boys down to diapers and let them play in the sand and the water. Eddie went in up to his chest. He came running out and started scooping out a long trench at the water's edge. 

By the time we left the boys were filthy. Naked. Covered in sand and muck. Happy as anything. Eddie jumped back on his bike with socks, shoes and his minion underwear and we were off. As I ran behind him, my heart was warmed by the joy of his childhood. I thought about my runs alone.

I was filled with immense gratitude. 

Motherhood is a lot of work. So is marriage. It is hard and there are times when this season of wilderness is more than I can handle. But when I see my boys so full of life, my eyes are opened to how deeply blessed I am. I am right where I am meant to be.

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