Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lent Day 5: Grace

It's amazing how Lent continues to whirl around me. Sustained uncertainty in life is starting to make me smile because its just entirely fitting with the season. What I have noticed about today particularly is how much assurance I feel. Assurance that God will provide. Assurance that God will resolve things and an assurance that God is with me on this journey despite how confusing it seems.

Reading through my book on prayer, reading Genesis and listening to a series on Spiritual disciplines for Lent at church all at the same time has sent my mind racing. Theologically I feel very all over the map. Sometimes very secure in my faith and others feeling shaky that my understanding of God could come unglued by those deep nagging questions that never quite find answers.

However, as I lay in bed, reviewing the day I find myself deeply assured that even in the midst of my questions and doubts. In the midst of major life upheaval. In the midst of this Lenten journey there are another set of footsteps silent beside mine and I do not walk it alone. I stand on Grace and Grace assures me.

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