Saturday, February 25, 2012

Lent day 4: Prayer

My day was focused around having a bbq to get to know some of the other young couples / parents from our church. It went well. 9 adults and 6 kids showed up and we all seemed to have a good time getting to know each other better.

In the prayer book that Ulrich and I are reading, the focus of tonight's section was on prayers' ability to turn your focus on what needs to be done and prompt you to do it.  As you ask for things, you meditate "well, how have I helped with that?"

Praying for other people empowers us to find mission. Who in our lives needs prayer? What do they need prayer for? Even if the situations in people's lives are far beyond our capacity to fix or resolve, the focus of praying for them connects us to them. Creates a compassion in our hearts for their situation and draws us into a place of openness and willingness. Then, take Jesus's command -- pray for your enemies....hmmm....

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