Monday, February 23, 2015

Thanks, God, I needed that

On the way to church, Eddie asked me -- Can we dance at church today?

"Maybe, if they play music for dancing."

We arrived and Andrew had a melt down. "This is only going to get worse." I thought to myself.

We found our pew and settled in.

"Today we are going to do a little something different during the opening hymn." The pastor started. "You may see something that could be contrued as dancing. Don't worry, we're still Lutherans. You're still in the right place. But if the spirit moves you, Feel free to join in."

The music started slow but I told the boys they could dance. So we got up in were doing a ring-a-round-the-rosie circle in the back of the church. We were joined by a couple of girls who were sitting near us. Then, some other girls from the front joined in and we ran out of room in the back so we moved to the front and danced around the alter.

I remembered back to church as a kid. Some of my favorite moments were when people started dancing and we would make long chains and weave in and out and around, It was like dancing at a wedding. All of us holding hand made me feel like we were all connected as some larger family. When I looked at Eddie's and Andrew's faces, I could see that same sense of belonging and my heart was happy.

Thanks God, I needed that.

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