Monday, December 11, 2017

The season of waiting for God to show up and fix this mess

Growing up, I thought of advent as a tame, candlelit season. Christmas plays, cookies, decorating. Preparing for little baby Jesus. A gentle season, for a gentle baby who didn't cry.

When I moved to California, I encountered an Advent that was bigger and wilder than that.

The ancient church used the season of advent to reflect on the coming of God into the world. For God who came and for God who will return. Ironically, Advent pushes Christians into the mindset of Judiasm. We are waiting for a savoir. We are waiting for God to come and fix this mess.

This year, I've been in the middle of mess. I've had hardly any time to do any of the fun "Christmas things" with my little guys and wishing there was more of me to just fix is all. Phone calls, conversations, facebook -- all pushing the question -- why does life have to be so broken? Even at work I feel it.  I work everyday with people who long to start a family, for whom the holidays are a deep, painful reminder of the brokenness of their bodies. Everywhere I turn, I see a need for God to come and fix this mess. And as I reflect on that, I find a deep joy.

God is coming.

God is entering into and meeting us all where we are. This season flips the world on it's head, empowering the weak, freeing the addicted, redeeming the unforgivable. It's the promise that none of our messes are too big for God and no matter where you find yourself this holiday season there is joy, hope, peace and love reserved for you because none of us are beyond the reach of God.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


MikeG said...

He never really goes anywhere. Whether it's through our selfishness or earthly desires, it's us who go away from Him. He is ever present; omnipresent in each of us.

I am in Japan this season on a spiritual pilgrimage. I am preparing to sit for spiritual elevation to a level known as Daijo. In Buddhism, we believe that a Buddha nature exists in all sentient beings. This of course, is no different than the Christ nature present in all Christians, or spirit of Mohammad in Muslims. Fundamental to my training is embracing that we are never alone and that we only need to seek out the Buddha nature in someone and extend loving kindness to that person. We are all connected to the heavens and we are all connected to each other. (Yes, like Bluetooth!)

We can't for example, sit at a table around a feast unless a farmer planted the seeds a season ago; unless a cook prepared it in an appetizing way, and consider that they are sitting around a similar feast with their loved ones.

God is in a room each time we are. He is there before we are, in every heart. We only need to look a moment longer and extend.

Sara said...

Blessings on your journey friend. May you see God present as you soujourn on. Made my morning to see your comment here ...