Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Lent Day 41: Creativity

As I prepared my to-do list for the week I was struck by how different my tasks are from normal - paint a picture for friends wedding bulletin, buy drum and practice for Good Friday, email family regarding Passover Seder. Art, music, literature, liturgy, prayer, reflection are things that I rarely have the joy of finding time for in a life so dominated by rational planning and dutiful responsibility.

Letting myself venture to the creative half of my brain. Reflecting on meaning. Re-creating meaning around me in worship, words and art opens me to hear the quiet voice of God. A new revealing of the stories that touch this week. A new understanding of God in us and among us. A break from human paradigms to allow the spiritual to permeate my inner being.

My prayers reach out to everyone this Holy Week, that you may find a new way to connect to God and to the spiritual journey you have been called to. To the clergy and spiritual leaders, that your words and thoughts be lifted and inspired as you minister this week.

Shalom. shalom.

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